
Thursday 16 April 2015

career guidance program

Career Guidance / Counseling Program (CCP)

Phase – 1 : Career Oriented Psychometric Testing

Mind Search - Psychological Testing Program

  • Aptitude Test
  • I. Q. Test (Intelligence Quotient)
  • E.Q. Test (Emotional Quotient)
  • Creativity Test
  • Personality Assessment
  • Memory & Concentration Test
  • Achievement Motivation Test
  • Interest Inventory
  • Adjustment Inventory
  • Anxiety Test
  • Self-Confidence Test
  • Handwriting Analysis
Phase – 2 : Parents’ Meet
  1. Analysis of psychometric testing report.
  2. Parents’ feedback.
  3. Career planning on the basis of above report.
  4. Counseling for successful career.

Phase – 3 : Career Training (Optional)
1        Educational & Study Skills.
2        Confidence & Self-motivation development.
3        Time management.
4        Goal Setting
5        Behavioral Modification.
6        Attitude Modification.

Phase – 4 : Presentation on Career Options
    1. Various career options after 10th , 12th and graduation.
    2. Different entrance exams.
    3. Competitive exams.
    4. Educational Institute, Universities.
    5. Self-employment schemes.
  • for more details contact : Prof. Yogesh D. Wankhede 

    Mob. 9881168509

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